Saturday, July 28, 2012

Card 2 - The Witch

The witch is the first transformation that the Dreamer goes through. She looks within herself and finds the power of the sacred feminine. See how each of the elements are depicted in the picture - so she works within the harmony of all things, rather than against them. The name of the card itself - The Witch - is a show of will. She takes back the word witch, returning it to herself and filling it with power.

In the positive aspect, The Witch represents purpose and use of the universal power for selfless, life affirming purposes. She represents the development of self esteem and self confidence.

In the negative, she must evaluate what we seek and why. Is it for the greater good, or only for personal gain? Will others be hurt by this goal, how can her energy be better channeled. Or, is she being taken advantage of because she is underestimating her own self worth?
The Witch tells me to evaluate my motives for continuing my education, and not undervalue what I already know. She reminds me, also, to keep the balance between all the parts of my life - my family, my children, my education, and even my health.

Balance is the key. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Card 1 - The Dreamer

The journey begins with the Dreamer, she who walks the bath from ignorance to knowledge, from self doubt to self confidence.
See how she sits at the edge of the water, just enjoying the moment, not thinking about if her cell phone is charged or if her children have gotten into the pantry again? This is her lesson. The water symbolizes the waters of life, the cauldron of rebirth through which we must travel and be reborn, physically and spiritually.

In the positive aspect she represents naivety, ideals, the energetic nature of 'youth' (in either the physical or the energetic sense), and the freedom from expectation or ideals.

The negative aspects of the Dreamer are lack of responsibility, rushing into things, floating a bit too high, overestimating capabilities.

In my personal life I am on the cusp of a great many changes in my life. My life may look significantly different in as little as a year, depending on what choices I make. Much of it has to do with birth and rebirth in the physical sense, as my career path is birth work.

The dreamer tells me to choose wisely, but not over think the fork in the road. i must go down whichever path I choose with the passion and fire for life that we all strive for.

Feel free to comment with what this card says to you!

This Dreaming Daughter

A long time ago, a woman friend gave me a tarot reading with a very special deck - the Daughters of the Moon Tarot.

The deck fascinated me. It was round, beautifully illustrated and absolutely feminist. Years passed, and a copy of this deck, and, then a few days later by chance, the accompanying book came into my possession, and I began to get acquainted with the cards for myself. Even the first readings I did with them were eerily accurate, and the symbolism in the cards resonated with my heart.

Traditionally, the Major Arcana (in this deck called the Aether Arcana) is thought of as a path, following the Fool (here called the Dreamer) as she journeys from naivety to knowledge. Herein this Daughter seeks to walk the path of the Dreamer.